Using openconnect on Ubuntu 15.10 fails

To use openconnect in Ubuntu 15.10 you have to set a default route to the tun0 device that is opened up. Otherwise no traffic will be routed through the tunnel. To do so:

sudo openconnect

wait until the connect banner passes and openconnect displays:

Connected tun0 as ##.###.###.##, using SSL

Then open a new tab on the console or put openconnect in the background. Enter

sudo route add default gw ##.###.###.## tun0

This will route all outgoing traffic to the default gateway which is your tunnel.

Theres a bug opened up in ubuntu launchpad. While it is being investigated/fixed you can use above hack to still use VPN with openconnect.

Bug: network-manager-openconnect / 1502847
Via: openconnect-vpn-setup-is-failing-in-ubuntu-15-10

Vboxdriver setup required after every reboot on Ubuntu 15.10

So my virtualbox windows wouldn’t start after installing Ubuntu 15.10 and ask me to perform the vboxdrv setup after every reboot.  The reason is that vboxdrv not starting on boot, with Ubuntu 15.10. This did the trick for me:

sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f virtualbox remove 
sudo rm /etc/init.d/virtualbox
sudo systemctl enable vboxdrv

This fixes the autostart issue by removing virtualbox remnants and reenabling vboxdrv in systemd.
